Sprouts, Health Benefits and side effects of Sprouts — Loving Foods
Today we are here to talk about sprouts, first, I am going to tell a little about what is sprouts.
Sprouting is a natural process in which seed is soaked and keep wet and ventilated up 25–30 hours until the germination process start and sprouts came out of the seed. we are not discussing recipe because it’s already available all around the internet.
Check this for Recipes
Thanks to the internet we have a very huge source of data available on our fingertips but still, now we have a very huge number of people out there who just click on a video and blindly follow the instructions given by this so-called health expert. Let’s be clear one thing I am not proving anyone wrong or trying to present my self as an expert, I just want to say that before you start taking any type of FOOD or DRINK for targeted results do your own research. Be Smart and always be sure that any kind of food available around us has its own PROS and CONS.So check it before you start having it.
Benefits of sprouts.
Sprouts are very rich in dietary fibers (because after sprouting the fiber available in grain are increased), Vitamins, Iron, and also a protein ( Especially for vegetarians). So it’s may help you to cure some of your health issues. but this, not the end ( Picture abhi baki hai mere dost)
Why you should take sprouts.
Well the first thing first if you have a good immunity system and a digestive system too, then you can start having it at your morning breakfast because it’s heavy to digest and heavy foods are only suggested in the morning because we a whole day ahead to digest them.
Now the point cames if your digestive or immune system is not so good but still you want to take them.
Then simply boiled them for a while or you can saute them with 1–2 teaspoon of GHEE remember there is a very big myth about ghee that if your goal is to lose weight/Fat you cannot take ghee. You can take ghee without any worry but in limited quantity.
When you have to take Sprouts
It is highly recommended to take it as a breakfast meal because it’s very heavy to digest and a lot of time to digest. So after breakfast, we have a whole day ahead to digest them.
Low-quality grain
What if you don’t get the good quality grain, in that case, it may cause food poisoning and also other digestion and urine related disease.
We all know the grains we are getting in the market are full of pesticides this particular problem is with every grain but in the case sprouts, we are eating them raw.
Another problem is with the process of sprouting even it’s natural when sprouting started there are numbers of bacteria and micro organism are produced they are good for sprouting but not good for our digestive system that’s why when eating it raw suggested squeezing a lemon on its (and you all know the antibacterial properties of lemon)
Stay healthy
Originally published at https://lovingfoods.in on May 2, 2020.