Know the health benefits of eating Kantola vegetable or spiny gourd -

Abhay choudhary
3 min readAug 12, 2021


Kantola is called spiny gourd in English. This light green vegetable is really the healthiest vegetable of the present time. It was used from ancient times for its medicinal properties. It is known by many regional names like kakora, Kantola, mitha karela, Karoli, Bhat karela, Chathail, etc. The scientific name of the spiny gourd is Momordica dioica. The spiny gourd can boost our immune system and protect us from the common cold and cough. Not only this the spiny gourd is also good for our other body parts which we will see later in this article. Let’s start with nutritional values. Later will see the health benefits of eating Kantola

Nutritional value of kantola/ Spiny Gourd 100g

  • Calories — 17 Kcal
  • Water — 84.1%
  • Carbs — 7.7g
  • Fiber — 3.0g
  • Protein — 3.1g
  • Fat — 3.1g
  • Calcium — 2600mg
  • Magnesium — 1400mg
  • Potassium — 370mg
  • Sodium — 58mg
  • Copper — 1.7 mg
  • Zinc — 9.5 mg
  • Vitamin B5–18mg

As you can see in the nutritional table this vegetable is a mine of minerals. In the old times, there was no cultivation of Kakor, they used to grow on their own in their own seasons. It was in the form of a wild lata. It is still not cultivated in many places, it is only in the form of a wild vegetable. Here one thing is to be noted that the Kakor which is cultivated in today’s time. It is a hybrid which is not that beneficial. The ones which are smaller in size and spinier, those ones are rich in nutrients. So let’s see the health benefits of eating Kantola.

1.Prevent Skin problems.

The juice of fresh fruit can be applied to the skin to get rid of pimples and acne. The roasted seeds are also beneficial in skin problems like eczema. It is proven that eating seasonal vegetables is extremely healthy for our skin. in the case of spiny gourd, you can the fresh fruit juice too on the affected area.

2.Protects your liver

Kantola is a rich source of antioxidants and flavonoids which protects your liver from damage of free radicals. It has anti-lipid peroxidative properties, thus inhibiting the oxidation of fats, hence preventing fatty liver in the first place. It is highly optional for people suffering from fatty liver or liver damage.

3.Good for diabetic patients

The Kantola/Spiny gourd has hypoglycemic properties. It also protects and reproduces pancreatic β-cells. Additionally, it improves both insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity, helping to manage diabetes at all levels. To treat diabetes, it can be consumed as a fried vegetable or as a juice with other greens.The Kantola/Spiny gourd has hypoglycemic properties. It also protects and reproduces pancreatic β-cells. Additionally, it improves both insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity, helping to manage diabetes at all levels. To treat diabetes, it can be consumed as a fried vegetable or as a juice with other greens.

4.Protect brain damage

Protect against brain damage

This vegetable has many neuroprotective properties and supports brain function. Apart from this, it is also good for diabetic patients.

5.Prevents high blood pressure and supports heart health

Consumption of fresh bitter gourd fruit juice helps in controlling blood pressure. The anti-lipid peroxidative properties present in it help in repairing arterial walls and their wear and tear.

6. Helps to cure constipation.

The high water and dietary fiber content in spiny gourd make your stool softer which makes your bowel movement super easy. And this will help you to cure constipation.

Originally published at on August 12, 2021.



Abhay choudhary

A businessman and a part time Health Blogger. I want to create awareness about healthy So that everyone can benefit from a healthy life